Bachelor of Multinational Film Production
This course provides graduates with foundational screen production skills and cross-cultural knowledge to create and distribute filmed content in Asian Pacific markets. It balances theory, practical skills, and project production. Graduates will develop problem-solving abilities for both entertainment and business applications, with potential careers in media production, screenwriting, directing, producing, content creation, and international production management. Graduates may also start their own businesses focused on international markets in the Asia Pacific.
Currently Not Accepting Applications
Course Overview
This course equips graduates with foundation screen production skills and critically reflective cross-cultural knowledge to successfully produce and distribute filmed content in Asian Pacific markets. The course provides an even balance of subjects in theoretical foundations, practical skills development, and project production.
Graduates develop team-based problem-solving skills to provide end-user focused communications solutions for both entertainment and business applications in both public and private enterprises. Graduates may find employment as media production specialists in small and large businesses in fields related to their selected area of study, screenwriting, directing, producing, on-line content creation, international production management, and international funding and distribution.
Graduates may also elect to be self-employed and run their own small business with a focus on serving international markets in the Asia Pacific.
Course Information
CRICOS Course Code
Professional Accreditation
Personalized support from our
connected staff to obtain customized credentialing
Total 18 number of subjects
Level 4, 131 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Assessment Method
Given the AQF level of the Course, a variety of assessment methods will be used (including reflection, oral presentations, lab work, pre and postproduction and completion of a portfolio)
Course of Study
BMFP is a 6-semester course. To qualify for the BMFP award at least 240 points must be completed successfully.
Course Duration
Full Time: 3 Years (6 Semesters)
AQF Level
Bachelor degree (level 7) (ASCED Field of Education: 1003 - Visual Arts and Crafts)
Total Course Fee
A$66,000 (Tuition Fee)
A$300 Enrollment Fee
(Non Tuition Fee)
Credit Points
240 CP (40 CP per semester)
Full Time
Delivery Mode
Face–to-Face Delivery at UHE campus