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Image by Scott Graham

Master of Engineering Management

Graduates of the Master of Engineering Management will have advanced knowledge in engineering management, integrating engineering, business, and management principles with a focus on project management and contemporary engineering practice. They will demonstrate ethical conduct and professional accountability in engineering and management. The program emphasizes personal development, helping students identify their strengths and interests starting in the first subject, Professional Development for Engineering Management, which is documented in their portfolio.


2 years full time


On campus (Melbourne)


March, July



Course Overview

Graduates of the Master of Engineering Management will have advanced knowledge of engineering management through the integration of knowledge from engineering, business, and management disciplines within the context of project management and contemporary engineering practice, including an understanding of the scope, principles, and accountabilities of engineering practice.

Graduates of the Master of Engineering Management will be able to demonstrate ethical conduct and
professional accountability with relevance to engineering and engineering management.

The program has a strong emphasis on personal development, with the purpose that each student finds their own strengths in engineering management as part of their own career development plan. This process begins in the first subject, Professional Development for Engineering Management, where the students begin to identify their own strengths and interests, documented in their portfolio.

Course Information

CRICOS Course Code


Professional Accreditation

Personalized support from ourconnected staff to obtain customized credentialing


A total of 15 subjects


Level 4, 131 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Assessment Method

Given the AQF level of the Course, a variety of assessment methods will be used (including personal portfolio, reflection, oral presentation, quiz, and research thesis)

Course of Study

MEM is a 4-semester course. To qualify for the MEM award at least 160 points must be completed successfully.

Course Duration

104 weeks or 24 months (International Students)
Part time 36 - 48 months (Domestic Students)

AQF Level

Master degree (level 9)(ASCED Field of Education: 0803 Business and Management)

Total Course Fee

A$50,000 (Tuition Fee)

A$300 Enrollment Fee (Non Tuition Fee)

Credit Points

160 CP (40 CP per semester)


Full Time

Delivery Mode

Face–to-Face Delivery at UHE campus




1/131 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000


+61 39600 0087



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