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Master of Information Technology nested with
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology and Graduate Diploma of Information Technology

The Master of Information Technology (MIT) offers a 15-subject curriculum, including both practicum and theory, with a double-weighted Capstone Project (IT5004.20) delivered over two semesters. Students can specialize in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Cyber Security (CS) within the general IT stream. This specialist course provides an innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum to meet ICT industry skills gaps, preparing students with essential hard and soft skills. Graduates earn a Master of Information Technology, specializing in Artificial Intelligence or Cyber Security.


2 years full time


On campus (Melbourne)


March, July



Course Overview

The course structure includes a total of 15 subjects covering both practicum and theory. Note: IT5004.20 Capstone Project is a double-weighted subject delivered over two semesters. The program has a general stream as well as the possibility to specialise in either Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Cyber Security (CS). The ASCED Field of Education is Information Technology. The course completion leads to the award of Master of Information Technology specialised in Artificial Intelligence or Cyber Security. MIT is a specialist, master’s level course with an innovative and interdisciplinary curriculum that aims to fulfil the skills gap and market demand in the ICT industry by equipping students with the most in-demand hard and soft skills relevant in the sector.

Course Information

CRICOS Course Code


Professional Accreditation

Graduates may be eligible to apply for professional membership with ACS


Total 15 subjects


Level 4, 131 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Assessment Method

Given the AQF level of the Course, a variety of assessment methods will be used (including personal portfolio, reflection, oral presentation, quizzes, in-class tests, examinations and research thesis)

Course of Study

MIT is a 4-semester course. To qualify for the MIT award at least 160 points must be completed successfully.

Course Duration

104 weeks or 24 months (International Students)
Part time 36 - 48 months (Domestic Students)

AQF Level

Master degree (level 9)(ASCED Field of Education: 0299 - Other Information Technology)

Total Course Fee

A$50,000 (Tuition Fee)

A$300 Enrollment Fee (Non Tuition Fee)

Credit Points

160 CP (40 CP per semester)


Full Time

Delivery Mode

Face–to-Face Delivery at UHE campus




1/131 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000


+61 39600 0087



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