All Australian institutes providing courses for international students are required to comply with the Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and National Code of Practice 2018.
You are assured of quality education and a high standard of service when you study at UHE.

The ESOS framework protects your rights, including your right to:
Sign a written agreement with your provider before or as you pay fees, which sets out the services provided, fees payable and information about refunds of course money. You should keep a copy of your written agreement.
Get the education for which you have paid. The ESOS framework includes consumer protection that will allow you to receive a refund or to be placed in another course if your provider is unable to teach your course.
The ESOS framework protects your right to know:
How to use your provider’s student support services.
Who the contact officer or officers are for overseas students.
If you can apply for course credit; and when your enrolment can be deferred, suspended or canceled.
What your provider’s requirements are for satisfactory progress in the courses you study.
If attendance will be monitored for those courses.
What will happen if you want to change providers.
How to use your provider’s complaints and appeals process.
The Legislative Framework incorporates the:
A COE is issued for the expected duration of studies. This is the time it will take for you to complete your program of study while studying full time.
If you are unable to complete your program of study within the duration as stated on your CoE, your visa will only be extended for the following reasons:
Compassionate or compelling circumstances eg illness where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes or where the registered provider was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit;
The registered provider implementing its intervention strategy for students who are at risk of not meeting satisfactory course progress;
An approved Leave of Absence has been granted.
You must advise UHE of your current address within seven days of arriving in Australia.
If you change your address during your stay in Australia, you must advise UHE Administration of this change within seven days.
For more information regarding the ESOS framework, please refer to